Originally published in Flourish! Magazine, January/February 2011 Some companies have great marketing from a tactical perspective. Others rely on breakthrough creative to stand out. Unfortunately, a great many still use the ‘try-it and see what happens’ method of marketing. Regardless of a company’s current state of marketing maturity, the ultimate goal is to become a sophisticated marketer. In this case sophistication …
Boyer & Corporon Wealth Management Named One of 25 Under 25®
EAG congratulates Boyer & Corporon Wealth Management for being selected as one of the 2011 honorees in the 10th Annual 25 Under 25® Program.
A Letter to Google
Dear Mr. Google, We are a Kansas City advertising agency and would love to know how to best use your search engine. Not to find a Kansas City advertising agency, but to help promote our own local advertising agency services. You see, we’re really confused about how search engine logarithms connect our local advertising agency with small business searching for …
5 Things to Remember When Designing a Logo…From an Artist
There are many things to consider when designing a logo from a branding perspective, but from just a design perspective, here are some creative insights to get you started.