Budgeting for coffee as you do your monthly expenses. Expecting checked baggage fees to cost as much as half or more of your airline ticket price. This is the reality of our world today because the big brands made it this way. Big brand marketing strategies can work just as well for small business. Scaling these marketing strategies to fit …
From Reviewing List Management to Your Marketing Budget Plan, First Quarter’s the Best Time to Do It
With first quarter almost in the rearview mirror, now is the best time to review your marketing strategy for the year, from list management to your marketing budget plan. Waiting any longer could leave key budget dollars misspent, unspent or overspent. A first quarter review gives you the time to make necessary adjustments for a better ROI for the remainder …
EAG Advertising & Marketing Earns 10 2019 Fountain Awards and Is Named KC Agency of the Year
From the Grammy and the Oscar awards to the Addy and the Fountain awards, award season is upon us. Whether it’s a direct mail or social media campaign or Best Film of the Year, it’s always humbling and gratifying to have your peers review, judge and recognize your best work. The marketing team at EAG Advertising & Marketing submitted selected …
Two SKS Studio Landscape Architecture Projects Featured on Travel+Leisure’s 2019 “It List”
Travel+Leisure editors selected Belmond Cap Juluca in Anguilla and the Rosewood Baha Mar in The Bahamas as two of the 72 hotels on the 2019 “It List” with Cap Juluca being named “Comeback of the Year” after sustaining damage from a 2017 hurricane. Kansas City-based firm, SKS Studio is honored to announce that two of its resort landscape architecture projects, …