More custom integrators drawn to using TechLogix’s tactical fiber for their rental, staging, broadcast, outdoor and residential projects. Lenexa, KS – January 3, 2019 – Pioneer Music Company (PMC) now offers TechLogix Networx’s tactical fiber (also called military-grade fiber) for custom integrators’ projects that require a cable strong enough to withstand rough environments and exposure to elements. This military-grade fiber …
The Small Business Advertising Agency Code of Conduct
Before hiring an advertising agency or marketing firm for your small business, ask if they honor the advertising agency code of conduct. Why the need for an advertising agency code of conduct? A code sets of rules, outlining the norms, rules and responsibilities of, and proper practices for an individual or members of a group or organization. A code has …
Why Outsource Your Small Business Marketing? Let Us Explain the Reasons Why
For more than 15 years, our 300-plus small businesses have outsourced their marketing to EAG Advertising & Marketing. Those numbers alone lead us to hope outsourced marketing is understood by everyone by now, but we know it’s a concept still misunderstood by many. So, as simply as possible, we count the reasons why outsourced marketing is a great idea for …
The Grant Professional Certification Institute® Appoints Julie Assel as Board of Directors President
KANSAS CITY, MO. December 4, 2018 – The Grant Professional Certification Institute’s (GPCI) Board of Directors voted on November 7, 2019 to appoint Julie Assel president of their Board effective January 1, 2019. Assel will help lead the organization in continuing its mission to provide a standard of excellence for the grant profession. She is President and CEO of Kansas …