New Clients

EAG Advertising & Marketing Announces New Clients

Love Letters, Family Center Farm & Home and Maggie’s Farm Products Join Agency Roster EAG Advertising & Marketing (EAG), Kansas City’s only advertising agency focused on serving small and aggressively growing businesses, announces the addition of three new retail brands to its client list. EAG’s roster of retail brands with an emphasis on digital business continues to grow. Kansas City-based …

Alphagraphics image for EAG blog

AlphaGraphics Kansas City awarded G7® Master Qualification

AlphaGraphics Kansas City, a renowned print service provider, has achieved G7® Master Facility Colorspace Qualification awarded by Idealliance®, a not-for-profit industry group dedicated to guiding print production best practices, specifications, and standards worldwide. G7® is an industry-leading set of specifications for achieving visual similarity across all print processes. It is a global standard widely used to measure the color accuracy …

NoDegree 1x

In Lieu of a Degree, EAG Advertising & Marketing Weigh Applicants’ Experience

EAG Advertising & Marketing, a 15-year old advertising agency, joins the ranks of companies that no longer require job candidates to have a college degree as a prerequisite for employment. In 2018, the job search site Glassdoor compiled a list of top employers (Google, Apple, IBM, Starbucks and Whole Foods among others) that also are expanding their talent options by …