Supply Chain Issues

When Supply Chain Issues Hit Your Business, Communicate

As a marketing agency serving growth-minded organizations, we’ve learned a thing or two about entrepreneurs. By nature, entrepreneurs seek opportunity. If ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’ is the kind of mantra a growth-minded business owner might have, the COVID era is loaded with opportunity. Supply chain issues have caused that rare combination of opportunity and crisis small …

Why you need a marketing agency for more web traffic

Why You Need a Marketing Agency for more Web Traffic

Every industry has a dependence on website traffic. That’s because the internet is the first place your next customers will go when they decide they need something. Even if your customers don’t talk or connect with you through your website, they visit and do their research before they make contact. In fact, research from Forrester’s Lori Wizdo shows B2B prospects …


Google & Apple Updates: Advice from a small business marketing agency

Many marketing agencies have written about the latest Google announcements regarding the upcoming cookieless future. Other headlines talk about Apple fighting with Facebook. Still more articles talk about consumer privacy efforts in Europe and California, and how companies like Apple and Google are working to bring their privacy efforts more in line with those restrictions. For a small business owner …

Hold Them

Small Business Advertising: Know When to Hold It and When to Fold It

There are a handful of us at EAG Advertising & Marketing who are or have been small business owners. We know the internal struggle business owners battle every day. Entrepreneurs at heart, we can be control freaks, fighting the if-you-want-it-done-right-do-it-yourself mentality. But we’re also educated enough in business to know smart people surround themselves with smarter people and let them …