Magazine and Billboard

Proving the Value of Magazine and Billboard Advertising

If you run a small business or lead your firm’s marketing efforts, you want proof that your marketing investment is paying off. With digital advertising, like email and display ads, you can measure success by open and click-through rates. But what about magazine and billboard advertising? If you run ads in magazines or put up billboards around town, you might …

When is the Right Time to Bring Video into Your Marketing?

When is the Right Time to Bring Video into Your Marketing?

Our outsourced marketing strategists love adding video to our clients’ marketing plans. Not only are videos dominating social media platforms, but also the statistics prove they are effective. According to HubSpot’s research, 87% of consumers polled reported wanting to see video content from businesses or brands they support. HubSpot also published that “Video is useful for more than entertainment, too. …

Planning for 2021

Planning for 2021? Keep pivoting.

If there is one word that best describes business in 2020, it is ‘pivot’. To pivot, is a phrase used in the startup world to mean shifting to a new strategy. It is often used to describe drastically changing a whole company, focusing on new customers or markets. In 2020, pivot became the mantra for many businesses and industries that …

Continual Improvement: Proactive vs. Reactive Support and Maintenance

It’s time to build something new, but what does that look like in the long run? We’re going to think through how this plays out using Widget Co. as an example. Revolutionize the industry, build something new The team has come together to define the new widget sales process, we’ve thoroughly thought through the design, we’ve had the chance to …