What is Responsive Design, and Does My Business Need It?

Is My Website Already Responsive? Chances are, if your business website wasn’t built or re-designed in the past year or so, it isn’t employing a responsive design. There’s been a lot written in the past 6-months-to-a-year about why your business needs Responsive Design, but understanding exactly what that means can be confusing.  It stands to reason that if your website …

How to Impact Your Local Search Results in Just 5 Minutes a Day

For small businesses selling goods or services locally, having a strong presence with search engines is becoming more of a “must have” versus a “nice to have.” More than 75% of searches on mobile devices are made with the intention of finding a local resource. For companies who haven’t harnessed the power of local search, it could be the kiss …

Establish Your Brand Positioning: The Earlier The Better

A business plan. A marketing plan. A financial plan. All kinds of planning goes into starting a small business. We’ve got one more to add – planning your brand positioning. For entrepreneurs with their plates already full with the logistics of starting a business, establishing a “brand” seems like putting the cart before the horse. But it’s not… your brand should be …

How Much Is My Business Worth?

Today’s Marketing Decisions Impact Tomorrow’s Sale Value “How much is my business worth?” It’s a question that we, as an advertising agency, are seldom asked. But it is a discussion we raise in conversations with our small business client-owners. Remember, the definition of a small business is pretty broad. EAG Advertising & Marketing serves some small businesses with over 100 …