Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing Is Still Mission Critical For Most Small Businesses We’ve heard rumors around the proverbial water cooler lately that some small and mid-sized businesses are finding it harder and harder to make Google Ads and Microsoft Ads work as a profitable marketing tool. In the not so distant past, this was a golden child of the …
David Chinnery Elected to Consecutively Serve on Two Missouri Bankers Association Boards
David Chinnery, Adams Dairy Bank (ADB) president and CEO, has been elected to the board of directors for the Missouri Bankers Association (MBA) Service Corporation, a subsidiary of the MBA. He has taken his seat and attended his first meeting as a board member on August 6th. The Service Corporation was established over 30 years ago when the MBA began …
Say So Long to Roy G. Biv
Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Indigo. Violet. From left-to-right, top-to-bottom, outer-to-inner, this is the color spectrum of the rainbow. Roy G. Biv is the acronym art teachers use to help children remember the sequence of hues that make up the rainbow. Mnemonic devices aside, Roy G. Biv and primary colors have given way to a new era of color-naming beyond …
#Deadbeat. Social Media as a Bill Collector?
In January of 2010, feeling a little frustrated with a non-paying client, I wrote a blog entry questioning whether or not social media should be used to chastise those who don’t pay. It looks like somebody has finally snapped and used their knowledge of the Internet to ridicule a client for nonpayment. In the February 14th edition of Adweek you …