Social media is fine but people want choices. Today I was speaking to a group of business start-ups when the question was asked, “With everyone texting and tweeting, shouldn’t I focus on social media for launching my new business.”
The Original Search Engine
They still don’t get it. Even as they slowly wither away, the Yellow Pages industry still doesn’t get it.
Three Small Words Can Help Build Your Nonprofit Brand
A solid brand message must be developed and delivered internally, long before any external advertising is created.
Help from Neighbors: The Dream Works, Inc. Is Pairing Those Who Want to Lend a Hand with Those Who Need It
With waiting lists for many Kansas Medicaid programs, individuals who qualify for the programs still require a certain level of service while they wait as opposed to going into nursing homes or other institutions. The Dream Works, a Kansas City, Kan. based home health and social service organization, is spearheading efforts to organize and provide alternative support programs to those …