10 Small Business Marketing Tips That’ll Never Fail You

10 Small Business Marketing Tips That’ll Never Fail You

Advertising and marketing professionals and small business owners. What do we all have in common? We all love new, shiny things. And, if the things give us a competitive edge or make our been-there-done-that eyes light up, all the better. The hard part about going full speed ahead with anything too new to have withstood the test of time is …

As an Award-Winning Marketing Agency, We’re Saying It: Losing Sucks

As an Award-Winning Marketing Agency, We’re Saying It: Losing Sucks

Within a relatively short time span, the EAG Advertising & Marketing team suffered a series of losses. We lost a pitch. Our marketing strategy presentation made it through three rounds, and we were in the final round. That’s as far as we got. Why? We don’t know. The form letter didn’t state the reason. The chemistry was in the room, …