In this episode we talk to Crissy Dastrup who is leveraging her personal brand to help her community. You want tips? Please welcome Senior Art Director Ashley Tebbe who will help you know your UX from your UI.
Ep. 7: Custom Training with Creative Courseware
Hear about the journey from Creative Courseware President Annie Swartz, we’ll auction off a computer monitor and get your daily dose of continuing education credits. All that, and a tip that could help you keep your employees around a bit longer.
Ep. 6: Orange or Cherry? We’re Serving Both!
EAG’s chief marketing officer, Jeff Randolph, kicks off this podcast with our senior art director, Ashley Tebbe, and a quick discussion on how we make sure websites are accessible and user friendly. Listen and learn what Lucky Orange is. Then, we move on to our featured guest, Danica Cherry, grants manager at Samuel Rodgers Health.
Ep. 5: The Artist and the Architect
Let’s get visual! In this episode, Jeff Randolph, EAG’s chief marketing officer talks about interactions and images with EAG’s senior art director, Ashley Tebbe, and architect, Chris Gillam of Jones Gillam Renz, a Kansas City architecture firm. Find out where these two creative minds get inspired and what brands they love.