Data, Data Everywhere, but Not a Straw in Sight

June 19, 2017

Capturing User Insights to Enable Data-Driven Decision-Making

We’re surrounded by data. It’s everywhere we turn, and we’re expected to use it to understand and track product performance and to use it for evidence-based decision-making. While advanced data methods, including artificial intelligence, are the big game changers in data analysis, the fact remains that access to comparatively simple and straightforward data about user behavior is not easily accessible to many product teams.

How do you get the data you need to help you understand how users are interacting with your tool – and where they’re getting frustrated? What about data to help you figure out why adoption is not what you expected?

Quantifying the Scope of an Issue

A large national association knew they were spending too much money supporting their online registration process. It required an army of call center agents. Registration was confusing and cumbersome, and calling customer support was the common solution. So they came to us for help.

To fully understand and assess the workflow issue, we used observation and contextual inquiry to identify pain points. Additionally, we implemented our analytics tool to see what the data could tell us about user behavior.

The data quickly sized up the extent of the problem: Only 4% of users were completing the process on their own. In fact, 54% of users were abandoning the process after the first page. No wonder customer service costs were over budget and users were frustrated!

With this information in hand, we helped them prioritize areas for usability improvements – starting at the very beginning of the process – and tested new concepts to increase engagement and application completion rates.

Engagement Analytics from Useagility

Engagement Analytics from Useagility gives you fast, affordable access to next-generation user activity tracking and reporting so you can understand user behaviors through key conversion funnels across mobile apps, websites, and interactive products. With Engagement Analytics, Useagility can reveal insights about your web application, SaaS product or mobile application by:

  • Tracking activity against customized KPIs specific to your industry, product and goals
  • Analyzing user behavior at the client account level or by user type or individual
  • Seeing which product features are driving engagement (and which are being ignored)
  • Following user paths and see flows through your products, including where users are bailing out

Engagement Analytics is specifically designed for product and user engagement analysis, not just marketing conversion and web traffic. There is no additional coding or tagging required to track users at the account, user type level or individual level. Our platform provides intuitive data displays that simplify segmentation and analysis so we can hone in on the behaviors of key user roles.  We can also focus on key workflows to determine where users are struggling and how you can help users get through critical processes more successfully.