The Greatest Compliments Are Unexpected

Today a budding entrepreneur called EAG to inquire about our services.  This is a serial small business owner with another great idea, ready to go to market.  She needs our help and we’re eager to get started.

This inquiry came through our website.  The business owner was surfing the net and her organic Google search fortunately landed on EAG.  After scanning our site she quickly stumbled upon our work for Adams Dairy Bank.

That was the clincher for this small business owner looking for marketing and advertising services.

She was thrilled to know that the agency she selected was the voice behind the Adams Dairy Bank brand that she loves so much.

Our creative and brand work for Adams Dairy Bank is a labor of love.  We are given the freedom to craft advertising messages for a bank that truly understands the meaning of customer service.

Scratch that.  Adams Dairy Bank doesn’t understand the meaning of customer service, they have redefined it.

This Adams Dairy Bank customer was so enamored with the bank, its associates and consistent delivery of ‘a friendly smile’ that she assumed we must operate the same way.  If you’re known by the company you keep, then we’re in good company.

So, we’re excited to have the opportunity to present our capabilities to this new business but more importantly, we’re thrilled to know that our brand is stronger because of our relationship with our valued client.

Our advertising and marketing for Adams Dairy Bank is simply window dressing.  The real work, the real brand is created each and every day by the men and women doing their part to be the best bank in Blue Springs.