Help Save LinkedIn From Extinction

saving linked in using it's logo as a fossillRemember drop-in sales calls?

Armed with nothing more than a stack of business cards, eager (if not slightly desperate) sales people would target the tallest office building, go to the top floor and work their way down making very cold sales calls.

Yes, that sales tactic really happened in years past and we hear that in remote corners of the business world it still lives on today. The EAG office building has one floor, which isn’t as enticing to drop-in sales people. But we still hope that this intrusive practice is nearly extinct. In addition to the annoyance factor of the drop-in sales call, the end results have never been particularly stellar anyway.

Sadly, unless we rally soon and change our collective online ways, LinkedIn will also become a relic of old-school business development and sales tools. Now that would be a shame.

What was once the first truly business-driven social media website has now become nothing more than an online fishbowl of business cards, cold call emails and downright intrusive behavior.

Please help us save LinkedIn by pledging your loyalty to the cause. And if you are contributing to the endangerment of this website, please change your ways before it’s too late.

Five Ways to Save LinkedIn from Extinction:

#1:  ‘People You May Know’ are not People You Would Like to Know

LinkedIn is not or, or some other second-tier dating website. You can’t wink or poke someone in hopes of creating a relationship. When LinkedIn suggests you may know someone, it provides ways to confirm an existing relationship or connection. LinkedIn also includes great tools to create a warm introduction via a shared connection. Use those tools. Don’t just try to connect out of the blue. It is the equivalent of an online cold call and causes more harm than good.

#2:  That is the Cutest Cat Video I’ve Ever Seen… on LinkedIn

Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest were never intended to mimic each other. They are distinctly different social media sites and the polar opposite of LinkedIn. Just because there are tools that allow you (or your social media agency) to broadcast tweets and posts to all social media vehicles at once, doesn’t mean you should. LinkedIn will survive and thrive, as it was intended to, if we post only business-related content. Keep LinkedIn a business-driven social media connector and together we can help avoid its extinction.

#3:  Speak, Don’t Stalk

Did you know we see you looking at our profiles? The first and second times were nice. The third and fourth times were flattering. By five and six, we’re a bit creeped out. Say something already. Send a message or ask someone for an introduction, but stop scouring our profiles every day. Don’t be at the heart of updates similar to this one.

#4:  Use Messaging Selectively

If we are really connected and have a relationship, you probably have my phone number or my email address already. Feel free to use them. But not everyone uses LinkedIn messaging daily. A broadcast message that looks and tastes like SPAM can leave a bad taste in the recipient’s mouth.

#5:  No Selfies or Photos from your Trip to Cabo

You look hot in that blue swimsuit with the sun setting behind you. That’s an awesome profile photo… for Facebook. Can’t wait to see all your vacation photos… on Instagram. But please use a professional headshot for your LinkedIn profile. We want to recognize you in the real business world.

You Need Professional Help…

Social media isn’t new anymore. But many are still trying to wrap our heads and manners around how to live in the digital world with it. Heck, seems like mobile phones have been around forever and some still haven’t realized that others don’t want to hear their every conversation, especially during movies and in the line at the DMV. It’s tough knowing what to do and what not to do in the business social media realm, but we’re here to help. If you ever have a question, just think of us as your personal social media “Dear Abby.”