Innovation = Exhilaration

Today I had the pleasure of spending the day as an advisor, mentor, contributor to a business plan review by participants in the University of Missouri Kansas City Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The students (future entrepreneurs) did more for me than I did for them.

There is brilliance on the horizon. The day spent listening to well-thought business plans was inspiring and affirming. There is good being done by schools like UMKC that nurture entrepreneurship while at the same time exhilarate established business owners like me.

Hopefully these young men and women benefited from our advice and counsel. I look forward to the day that I read about their success or benefit personally from their brilliant products or services.

Today’s event stimulated brain matter. As mentors and advisors we were intrigued, engaged and motivated by the ideas presented. We were motivated to open our minds to new ways of engaging consumers and delivering solutions to problems we hadn’t even identified. It was exhilarating.

I advise business owners who feel like they’ve drained their own creative energies to spend a day with young, future entrepreneurs. There is no better medicine for what ails a business owner than the energy and excitement of youthful entrepreneurial spirit.