Nominate a Small Business for the 25 Under 25® Awards

Running a small business is tough. It requires perseverance, the ability to meet challenges in creative ways and a commitment to succeed. Recognize and celebrate the small businesses you know and respect by nominating them for Thinking Bigger Business Media’s 25 Under 25® Awards.

We know firsthand how valuable this program is to small businesses. “After nearly 4 years in business, being selected to the 25 Under 25 Class of 2007 was a wonderful moment of celebration and validation. We felt like we were doing something right. Since then we have stayed involved with 25 Under 25 because of the great relationships that are developed with other winning companies” said EAG President, Paul Weber.

Eligible companies must employ fewer than 25 full-time employees, operate a for-profit business, have been in business for three or more years, and be located within the Greater Kansas City area.

Qualified nominees will need to complete an application and provide additional supporting materials to be reviewed by a panel of third-party judges from the business community.

Applicants will be evaluated on criteria such as financial stability, ability to overcome adversity, community involvement, defining characteristics and company vision. The 25 finalists will be announced in mid-December and honored on March 23, 2013 at the 25 Under 25® Dinner & Gala.

Kansas City’s small business community is full of growing, thriving companies. Who can you nominate?  You have until October 10th to submit nominations for those top small businesses you work with every day.