Skeet Hanks
Senior Design Director
(loves a good story, especially if it makes me laugh or cry…both easy for me to do)
When I grow up I want to be:
5’ 7”
A favorite read:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (my son and I are reading them together).
Favorite food:
Anything authentically New Orleans.
Significant people:
Alison, Jude and Thea.
Favorite movie:
Princess Bride, Better Off Dead, Alien.
Fun fact:
I was a chicken, stealing chicken, in a Popeye’s commercial I helped create.
What I’ve done and what I do:
I love creating authentic, honest stories that help clients find their people. The people that will not just buy their brand, but love their brand. There’s no need for me to be pompous, or tell you how fun I am, or the cool hat I wear at work, although I am funny, and I do love to laugh at least once every 15 minutes. I’m a bit of a fanatic about branding and can talk about it nonstop. Unless you have a funny story because that will sidetrack me.