Small Business Owners Should Give Support Groups A Second Look

The View from the Top is Yours Alone

When you’re the owner or CEO of a small business, no one knows better than you just how lonely it can be at the top. Sure, you might be close to some or all of your team. You might even be good friends with some of them. That’s the thing about small businesses. As owner or CEO, you’ve handpicked or played a big role in choosing each and every person on your staff. Those who choose or prefer to work for small businesses, which are the real backbone of our economy, tend to feel more invested in the company’s success. But even so, you truly have no peers within your own organization. At the end of the day, critical decisions and their outcomes, the good, bad and ugly, fall on your shoulders alone.

We know of what we speak. EAG is a small business. We have a staff of 10, but growing. We have a hierarchy. Our team has a stake in our creative work, our place in the KC advertising agency community and our mission to serve exclusively other small businesses. We’ve provided advertising and marketing support for well over 250 local small businesses, working directly with the owner or very close to the owner in almost every case. No matter what your industry, if you’re a small business owner or CEO, you share the same pains as others do. We’re definitely not saying that misery loves company. Nor are we recommending you twiddle your thumbs at meetings and events geared to entrepreneurs, but are more about selling you on something than helping you solve challenges. What we are suggesting is that you seek out and join professional small business support groups made up of small business owners and CEOs like you for good, meaty advice that you can sink your teeth into. Don’t let the “small” in small business fool you. Some of the most iconic names in Kansas City business participate in groups like Helzberg Entrepreneurial Mentoring Program (HEMP) and Vistage. These companies were once small and growing, and many of their leaders remain active in the organizations where they received the support they needed to grow to the stage they are at now.

Worthwhile Support Groups Do Exist

Starting is easier said than done, right? Again who has the time to vet such groups. Luckily, we’ve been around the block a time or two and done our fair share of “Hi, my name is _____, and I’m a small business owner.” EAG’s CEO, Paul Weber, has participated and found immeasurable value in peer entrepreneur groups including:

Helzberg Entrepreneurial Mentoring Program (HEMP): HEMP involves a three-year commitment. Membership is by application only and up to twenty mentees per year are accepted. But once you’re in, you’re matched with a mentor through a process that ensures good “chemistry” to foster a learning environment. Trust and sharing are HEMP’s cornerstones. Currently there are over 130 CEOs participating in the program as either a mentor, a mentee, a counselor or a Society of Fellows participant. Our own small business owner, Paul Weber, is among them. HEMP brings networking opportunities with peers and veteran business owners, exposure to mentoring skills that can be applied to any professional or personal situation, discussions of the greatest successes and lessons learned from peers and top CEOs in the community, and field trips to locations of entrepreneurial interest within the Kansas City area.

Vistage: Since 1957, Vistage has made a difference by bringing together groups of successful executives across a broad array of industries. The goal: more success. Each group meets monthly and helps members help each other improve their businesses and their lives. Professionally facilitated peer sessions dig into important and challenging small business issues, and you’re also paired with a peer advisor. You walk away with a plan of action and your peers follow up on the outcomes. Get an inside-look at how Vistage “works”:

FastTrac® GrowthVenture™: FastTrac GrowthVenture helps you achieve sustainable growth by developing your framework for purposeful, profitable growth, and improved business performance. FastTrac GrowthVenture supports entrepreneurs in making critical business and strategy decisions, growth opportunities, competitive moves and much more. Facilitators are knowledgeable entrepreneurs who are attuned to the issues that influence the decisions you make about your business. Again, our own Paul Weber is involved as a facilitator for marketing sessions, and has been for many years.

Skepticism and Fear of the Unknown is Natural

If you’re feeling a little skeptical about checking out groups like the above mentioned, that’s perfectly normal. But know that they are completely objective and aren’t trying to sell you anything. Small business leaders can be reluctant to admit, “I don’t know,” in fear of losing leadership cred. When you weigh the cost of one wrong hire, one bad decision, legal decisions, etc., the value of peer group membership skyrockets in comparison. With an advisor, mentor and peers who’ve been in your shoes, you have the time, space and insight to think decisions through. There is no motive other than helping small business owners and CEOs make the best decisions in running their companies. They consist of your peers and knowledgeable business experts. And as a member, you’ll gain confidants, resources and quasi-therapists. Oh yeah, there are times a therapist would be handy, aren’t there?

We’d be remiss to overlook the value you add as a participant in groups like Helzberg Entrepreneurial Mentoring Program (HEMP), Vistage and FastTrac GrowthVenture. You’ve traveled down roads other small business owners and CEOs haven’t traveled. Some led where you wanted to go, others didn’t. Your experience is another’s light bulb moment or red flag.

Like your small business and all things in life, you get out as much as you put in. Running a small business takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears. But participating in a peer support group is worth the time. Our CEO does. He’s involved in several. And we’re better for it.