One Company’s Technology Cast Offs Are Another Child’s Education

As any parent will tell you, it’s not cheap outfitting school-age children with the technology necessary to succeed in school and prepare for life. On the business side, companies constantly grapple with how to responsibly dispose of their unwanted, but fully functional, computer equipment. Synetic Technologies, Inc., an IT asset and computer recycler in Kansas City, Missouri, is helping solve both problems by partnering with local school district foundations to hold refurbished computer sales.

Where paper, pencils and maybe a calculator were once all that was needed in the classroom, now students must have computer access to master common core curriculum goals and critical thinking skills. For parents of disadvantaged students, finding the money for school supplies, lunches and clothing is a struggle, much less spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on a desktop or laptop computer.

Every school district within the Kansas City metropolitan area has a percentage of disadvantaged students it serves, some numbers are higher than others depending on the district. Most districts establish nonprofit foundations to provide additional financial support and learning opportunities through student scholarships and teacher grants. Local businesses and community fundraisers are the source of the foundation’s funding. And like all foundations today, how much they’re able to help students and teachers depends on how much money they raise.

As an IT asset management company with roots in the Kansas City community, Synetic Technologies is in a unique position to help raise funds for school foundations while putting computer technology into the hands of local students at a price that’s more affordable for parents. For the past four years, Synetic has been holding computer sales in conjunction with districts and their foundations.

Businesses that are upgrading their technology or no longer need certain computers dispose of them through Synetic. We in turn refurbish the best IT equipment for reuse and remarketing, while responsibly recycling the materials from those at the end of their lifespans. The gently used desktops and laptops are securely wiped clean of their data. After installing basic software and adding essential accessories, the systems are sold at foundation computer sales at deeply discounted prices. Desktops and laptops normally sold new for over $1200.00 are available refurbished for as low as $119.00. Many come with 30-day warranties. A portion of the sale proceeds goes directly back to the foundation to fund their missions.

“Patrons who attended our computer sale in conjunction with Synetic Technologies were appreciative. Some don’t have a lot of disposable income, but they want to bring computing into their homes. The sale let patrons buy quality desktops and laptops with years of life left in them at the lowest prices possible. Our sale’s timing couldn’t have been better. Time Warner was offering special rate packages for new subscribers, which allowed patrons to not only take home technology, but also use it to access the Internet,” explains Bruce Rehmer, Technology Coordinator, Center School District #58.

In and of itself, technology is cool, but it’s often taken for granted. There’s nothing better at reminding us just how truly cool it is than seeing the excited and proud look on a child’s face as he walks out the door carrying his very own laptop.

Computer sales are open to the public and anyone is welcome to purchase, but for educators, parents and their children, the sales are an opportunity to bring technology home that they otherwise couldn’t afford. Most recently, Synetic has partnered with Warrensburg, Kansas City, Kansas, Center and Raytown school districts for computer sales. If your district’s foundation is interested in holding a community-wide recycled computer sale, we’d like to hear from you.

About Synetic Technologies, Inc.

Synetic, a Veteran Business Enterprise in Kansas City, Missouri, solves the IT disposal and recycling complications companies face today. The company’s data destruction and e-recycling performance meets the industry’s stringent security and environmental requirements, making it one of the highest certified IT recycling firms. Services are tailored whether that involves a one-time disposal or an ongoing asset disposition program spanning multiple offices and locations. That’s why Fortune-listed local and global corporations like Cerner, DST, Tyson and Garmin, as well as school districts and educational institutions trust Synetic with their IT recycling.