United Helps Breathe Easier and Healthier

Meet Titus, or as his friends and family call him, TyTy. Titus is Jennifer Johnston’s (a United customer service representative) 4-year-old nephew. He has a big and little sister and plays Legos. One of Titus’s favorite things to do is pretend he is a super hero… that is when he’s not undergoing weekly chemo treatments.

See, Titus was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) last March. What started as a high fever and a trip to the emergency room ended up as a cancer diagnosis and a 3 to 3 ½ year battle against ALL ahead of him.

Titus undergoes weekly chemo and lab work to track his white blood cell and other counts. The chemo has left Titus’s body with no ability to fight off germs and infections. According to his mom, Lauren (Jennifer’s sister), TyTy only leaves home for doctor visits, grandma’s house or to run errands in the car. Needless to say, clean, healthy air to breathe is critical to Titus’s recovery.

The United Heating, Cooling & Plumbing family wishes we could snap our collective fingers and heal little Titus, but we can’t. What we could do is create a healthy and comfortable home environment where Titus can heal, recover from chemo treatments and play.

After hearing about Titus’s battle and super hero status, our vendors were more than willing to donate a new air conditioning unit and UV light filtration equipment to improve indoor air quality for the Beeler’s home. The United team donated their time and expertise installing the new equipment and ductwork throughout the home. Titus and his family can breathe a little easier knowing that their home air quality is as healthy as it can be.

Today, Titus is officially in remission. He’s doing great and responding well to treatment. But he still has quite a journey ahead of him. Titus and his family know they have the support and love of United behind him. He’s taught us what a real super hero looks like.

The Beeler family shares updates on Titus through their website at TitusBeatsALL.com and Facebook page Titus Beeler’s Healing Journey. You can visit either to learn more about Titus and how you can help, whether through donations or just your thoughts and prayers.