Using Design Prototypes to Sell a New Product

August 27, 2015

Prototypes Sell New Products

To get buy-in, you must ask the question, “How can you present your idea quickly and efficiently?” Design mock-ups and interactive prototypes can be an effective way to present ideas in a more tangible format. These types of artifacts can be used during presentations to provide people with a firm understanding of what the idea is and what kind of impact it will have. Prototypes can be made through design software such as Axure, Adobe XD, Sketch, Invision, and Figma. The only things needed to implement great ideas and gain buy-in are a vision, a user-centered process, and an experienced UX designer to translate your vision into a tangible form.

Prototypes are great for showcasing ideas to a variety of people. For instance, prototypes can be used with:

  • Internal audiences to get executive buy-in, win budget approval, or gain consensus about new products or enhancements
  • Customers, to provide a polished, clickable “product” to pre-sell new solutions, gather feedback, and validate ideas before investing resources into development
  • Users to gain insights and direct feedback about the idea and showcased solution, ensuring you understand your users’ goals, pain-points, and needs, as well as how users will interact with the proposed product, so you can serve your users better.

Selling ideas and products to others is challenging. You can use prototypes to effectively realize and showcase ideas. Presenting prototypes to internal audiences, customers, and users can drastically improve outcome and implementation success.