When things grow…

When things grow, they change.  Change is inevitable and we accept it.

Working entirely with small and growing businesses we see change every day.  Fortunately with clients we typically see growth and the positive change that accompanies it. 

When it comes to employees, we anticipate and hope for similar growth and change.  Unfortunately, sometimes that change is sad, yet at the same time satisfying.

This week we celebrate as Emily, a critical member of our graphic design team, leaves us for bigger and better things.

We celebrate because this change is a positive outcome of hard work, dedication and mutual respect.  We mourn the loss but appreciate the time spent together.

For every business that walks in our door we say, “We hope you outgrow us, but never leave us.”

For every employee that joins our small, intimate staff we say, “We hope you grow, and if the time comes to leave us, we wish you the best.”

Thank you Emily for your hard work, dedication and commitment to small business, both ours and our client’s.  Now on to bigger and better things.

Just don’t forget who has the best peanut butter.